Many opinions on welder profession near by a risk, and the other is a challenging job. Even some of welders are not satisfy if his job responsibilities not finish yet while the working time is over. From the reason above is depend on us to approach the job, by the safety minded all jobs have the risk and more important to do are:
- Risk Assessment Each step of the job must be observe what is the hazard potential will arise? Therefore we will know where the safe place and what kind of tools is required of the job, How many peoples to perform the job and Who is the leader for the job.
- Most of jobs are not to be finished in regards our plan. In this case do not take a shortcut or in hurry so that forget to safe things.
- For the future many companies have one regulation which become a base. The measurement of the successfully job is measured by:
- Safety; No Accident
- Pollution; No Pollution
- Property Damaged; No Property Damage
- Discipline of work
There is no way to reach safety except obey the regulation and attempt to review the regulation to be a perfect one. Many examples of the accident is occurred since human factors.
That is why we need to improve the action or attitude of human firstly. We need to perform our job with high responsibility and care on our work environment. This is need to improve day by day.
The other most important one is obedience on the regulation and perform all job base on it although performs the job without any foremen or supervisors.
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