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Showing posts from April 17, 2012


Menggunakan komik sebagai salah satu median untuk mempromosikan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja akhir akhir ini menjadi pilihan bagi praktisi K3L di perusahaan,, setelah banyak orang sudah mulai terbiasa dengan poster, spanduk, baliho yang terasa monoton. BACA JUGA Pentingnya investigasi kecelakaan ditempat kerja Tetap sehat meski kerja keras Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) kini saatnya menjadikan upaya keselamatan menjadi bagian yang menyenangkan untuk dilakukan maupun dipraktekan dalam pekerjaan. Safety Can be Fun BACA JUGA Bagaimana penyebab arthitis Penyakit parkinson Menggunakan masker respirator dengan benar

Knee Arthritis And How It Affects You

Arthritis, any of more than 100 different diseases causing pain, stiffness, and in most cases, swelling in the joints.Arthritis affects people of both sexes and of all races, socioeconomic levels, and geographic areas.Osteoarthritis is the most common type of knee arthritis. Also called wear-and-tear arthritis or degenerative joint disease, osteoarthritis is characterized by progressive wearing away of the cartilage of the joint. As the protective cartilage is worn away by knee arthritis, bare bone is exposed within the joint. Knee arthritis symptoms tend to progress as the condition worsens. What is interesting about knee arthritis is that symptoms do not always progress steadily with time. Often patients report good months and bad months or symptom changes with weather changes. This is important to understand because comparing the symptoms of arthritis on one particular day may not accurately represent the overall progression of the condition.The most common symptoms of knee ar...

Parkinsons disease

Parkinson's disease (PD), a neurodegenerative disease of the substantia nigra, was first discovered and its symptoms documented in 1817. This discovery and docomentation was by British physician Dr. James Parkinson. It wasn't until the 1960's that the associated biochemical changes in the brain of patients were able to be identified. Although many genes have recently been identified, there are still several others that remain unkown. Parkinson's disease involves a progressive movement disorder of the extrapyramidal system. The extrapyramidal system controls and adjusts communication between neurons in the brain and muscles in the human body. As you can see this is a huge, and important task. PD will commonly coincide with depression and disturbances of sensory systems due to the damage that it has on the brain. Aprroximately one out of every 600 people have Parkinson's disease in the United States of America. The rates increase with age, especially apparent in those...

'Sleep Work Play™ At Home' Program Helps People with Allergic Asthma Communicate Better About Their Condition

Millions of Americans share their beds with enough dust mites to trigger an allergic asthma attack in susceptible people. In fact, two million times a year those symptoms are severe enough to cause a trip to the emergency room. In an effort to help allergic asthma sufferers reduce their exposure to allergens in the home, Andrew Dan-Jumbo of TLC's While You Were Out has partnered with the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) on an educational campaign called "Sleep Work Play™ at Home." As part of the "Sleep Work Play at Home" campaign, asthma and allergic asthma sufferers can enter an essay contest to win a personal "at home" consultation with Andrew and a $500 gift certificate for supplies to manage exposure to allergens in the home. Contestants can enter online at by Thursday, July 13, 2006. Sleep Work Play™ aims to improve the dialogue between patients and physicians by helping patients to explain their experience...

Osteoporosis as a Common Affection of Girls with Anorexia

Recently labeled as "the disease of modern society", anorexia nervosa commonly affects young women worldwide. Statistics indicate that anorexia nervosa has the highest prevalence among women with ages between 15 and 20, although even 5 year-old girls have been diagnosed with this type of eating disorder after following vegetarian diets and even restricting their food intake. These are very disturbing facts, considering the damage that anorexia can cause to the frail bodies of teenagers and adolescents. Although in present anorexia nervosa can be effectively treated and its generated physical and psychological damage can be reversed, most young women are diagnosed with the disease long after they develop complications. Poor nutrition renders anorexic girls very susceptible to a wide range of physical affections. In time, girls with anorexia can develop disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, anemia, amenorrhea and in many cases, osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a disorder of t...

About Anorexia

Plainly put, anorexia is an eating disorder where a person starves him or herself. Anorexia mainly affects adolescent girls. They have an intense fear of becoming fat. They think they are overweight, but in fact most anorexics weigh a full 15% below their normal body weight. Anorexia strikes about 1% of adolescent females. This is about one in one hundred women. Some psychiatrists think anorexia is not just about being thin or fat. It stems from fear a of growing up and losing control. It's about fear of becoming a women, growing up, building relationships, leaving home. Her body is changing and growing and she doesn't like it and wants to be child sized again. Some psychiatrists think that eating disorders can also be caused by life experiences such abuse. Some studies have shown that if a mother has anorexia a child is 12 time more likely to develop it than someone with no family history. The person who suffers with anorexia cannot help herself. She must be treated by ...

Critical Illness Insurance. Are Your Children Insured?

Cover for your children is the most undervalued aspect of critical illness insurance. But as most policies automatically provide the cover as a free extra, we suspect that some policyholders don't even know they've got it! Most policies automatically insure your children albeit at a lower level of benefits than the main policyholders cover. But this cover is invaluable, especially if your child becomes critically ill and you need to take time off work to provide care. Critical Illness insurance pays out a tax free capital sum if the policyholder, or one of their children, suffers one of the very serious illnesses scheduled on their policy. The only rider is that the claimant must survive at least 28 days after the diagnosis. Scottish Provident, one of the UK's largest critical illness insurers has announced that claims for children is now its fourth-largest cause for a claim. Says Nick Kirwan, their Protection Marketing Director, "Work takes a back seat when your...

Host Foreign Species - Infection

An infection is the in short the hosting of foreign species in a host organism. There is a war that is involved between the host and the foreign body as the infection organism is looking to use the hosts resources in order to multiply. All of this occurs at the expense of the host. If the host and the intruder could coexist there would be no problem, but this isn't the case. The infecting organism in it's intrusion will interfer with the normal operation of the host, and in many cases inflict with the survival of the host. These organisms are usually consired to be tiny and microscopic, however the definition is in fact much wider than that. Pathogens are a broad group that include: (Infectious Disease is the specific branch of medicine that focuses on these infections and pathogens.) - Parasites - Bacteria - Viruses - Prions - Viroids - Fungi All organisms with multiple cells(multicellular) are colonized to some extent by an extrinsic organisms. The large majority of...