Accident doesn’t just happen. They are always caused. Suppose you fell down on the job and broke your leg. That didn’t just happen. There was no little demon waiting to trip you. Something made you fall and that something was the result of an action or the failure to act when he should have. Actually, if you fall and break a leg, it is probably the result of a combination of these things: a. Maybe you were in a hurry. b. Maybe you had a few beers. c. Maybe you were trying to carry an awkward load that put you off balance. d. Maybe your eyesight is bad you haven’t bothered to get proper glasses. e. Or maybe somebody else did something to cause the accident. It is just this simple. Not every dangerous act produced an accident. But no accident is ever produced unless one or more dangerous act or conditions are committed
Occupational health and safety (OHS) is a science that studies about the hazard and risks that exist in the workplace so as not to cause any injury. in this website provided all about safety matters such as safety article, Safety Video, Safety regulation and Standard, safety training module, there is are downloadable