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Showing posts from February, 2012


Accident doesn’t just happen. They are always caused. Suppose you fell down on the job and broke your leg. That didn’t just happen. There was no little demon waiting to trip you. Something made you fall and that something was the result of an action or the failure to act when he should have. Actually, if you fall and break a leg, it is probably the result of a combination of these things: a. Maybe you were in a hurry. b. Maybe you had a few beers. c. Maybe you were trying to carry an awkward load that put you off balance. d. Maybe your eyesight is bad you haven’t bothered to get proper glasses. e. Or maybe somebody else did something to cause the accident. It is just this simple. Not every dangerous act produced an accident. But no accident is ever produced unless one or more dangerous act or conditions are committed

Doing analysis before works

Many opinions on welder profession near by a risk, and the other is a challenging job. Even some of welders are not satisfy if his job responsibilities not finish yet while the working time is over. From the reason above is depend on us to approach the job, by the safety minded all jobs have the risk and more important to do are: Risk Assessment  Each step of the job must be observe what is the hazard potential will arise? Therefore we will know where the safe place and what kind of tools is required of the job, How many peoples to perform the job and Who is the leader for the job. Most of jobs are not to be finished in regards our plan. In this case do not take a shortcut or in hurry so that forget to safe things. For the future many companies have one regulation which become a base. The measurement of the successfully job is measured by: Safety; No Accident Pollution; No Pollution Property Damaged; No Property Damage Discipline of work There is no way to reach safety except obey ...

Cara Menggunakan Masker Respirator dengan benar

Salah satu jenis alat pelindung diri ditempat kerja adalah alat pelindung pernafasan, yang berfungsi untuk melindungi sistem pernafasan dari bahaya yang timbul dari pekerjaan. Banyak jenis alat pelindung pernafasan atau masker, seperti masker medis, masker respirator, SCBA (Self Contain Breathing Apparatus), dan lain sebagainya. Masker respirator biasa digunakan untuk melindungi dari bahaya kimia, seperti benzene, xylene, toulene, yang tidak bisa disaring dengan masker biasa, tetapi perlu disesuaikan cartridge yang digunakan agar sesuai dengan bahan kimia yang digunakan. BACA JUGA Efek menggunakan earphone ditempat kerja Bahaya listrik ditempat kerja Mengenal bahaya timbal atau Pb Efektivitas dari masker respirator ditentukan selain jenis cartridge juga dipengaruhi oleh cara pakai dari pekerja, karena masker respirator tidak akan efektif ketika digunakan tidak dengan benar. berikut ini adalah cara memakai masker respirator dengan benar: Sebelum digunakan, pastikan respirator dan elemen...